Shoulder Blade Wound

There’s a wound that lives behind my left shoulder blade

It’s not obvious to the naked eye, but every wrong move sends reminders shooting through my system

Sometimes, I feel a scab forming over it, hoping that it’s going away, that it won’t bother me anymore

I’m wrong. Every time a scab forms, it gets torn off and the wound becomes deeper, burrowing itself within me

The wound extends to my heart and I can feel its pinch with every breath and heartbeat

I nurture the pain, it starts at the entry point and it seeps into every one of my nerves

I can feel the shifts in my brain as my emotional and physical pains perform a song and dance, one attempting to outdo the other

I run out of breath and my mind races

I am transported from the current moment into a world that plays the same movie on repeat with no pause button

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